Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's been awhile...

So it's been a few weeks since I updated last and there's a reason for that. Sorta. That reason + life + laziness.

This whole Weight Watchers thing has become a bit more difficult. For one thing, I hate exercising. So it's like... never enjoyable for me, and I never want to do it. Most of the time I end up exercising because I HAVE to... to get some extra points, because I over-ate at lunchtime.

Secondly, I've been having some trouble resisting the foods I really like. So I've been eating the things I like, but that aren't necessarily healthy -- but you can't have as much of them if you want to stay under your points... And then I end up still hungry. Or at least wanting more. So there have been a few days where I've just completely gone over on my points, because I just wanted to eat. I am still making MOSTLY good choices and tracking my points, but like 2 days a week I've been having some issues. AKA... THE WEEKENDS. Haha. It doesn't help that beer has points in it. LOL.

Then, last week, we went to our meeting and I only lost 1.4 pounds. Granted, that's still good! They say you should lose 1-2 pounds a week, because it's more likely to stay off... than if you lose like 5 pounds a week. Makes sense. But I've been losing 2-3 pounds per week, and then boom, only 1.4. So it was kind of discouraging. But the problem was, I had had a bad week, food-wise, so it made perfect sense that I would have not lost as much.

That's the thing, though... it all makes sense. It's got "Duh" written all over it. But it's becoming more of a struggle. And I was scared for that, because I don't want to give up. I don't want to stop doing this, simply because I am slowing down. So I was trying to stay positive over it, but it's hard, especially when just living MY life/lifestyle means I'm around bad things, like beer and bar food and out at restaurants a lot. It's hard to resist when things are made to order and can be given to you in 20 minutes or less. It's a lot easier to plan things and cook things "healthily" at home.

And then this past week, I had an even worse week than the week before. So I was thinking I wouldn't lose weight again, you know? Wrong. At tonight's meeting, I lost 2.2 pounds... so I have officially lost 18 pounds TOTAL. And that feels AWESOME, you know? Like victory! And it encourages me to DO BETTER instead of just have another bad week, you know? Mom and I are going out to dinner tomorrow night and I probably will go over on my points some, but it'll balance out, because this weekend I probably won't be drinking much. Not like I usually do, anyway.

So I am still trying. Still riding this weight loss train. And I plan to stay on it. It's just... some things are hard, but the actual weight loss itself is so encouraging. And it makes me want to stick with it. For example, this weekend, I got in to a pair of pants that I haven't been able to wear for probably like a year. And my butt was rockin' in them. ;) And, the weight I am at now... I haven't been this "low" since probably like... summer 2009. So that makes me feel really good about everything.

AND Mom has lost 18 pounds too! So we're right on track with each other and having her helps a lot. Plus, it helps me to stay on track, knowing it's working for her.

So this week I vow to do better! Drink more water, take my vitamins, exercise 3 days this week, and track my points (AND STAY UNDER!) Those are my goals. We'll see how it goes! :)

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