Tuesday, April 12, 2011

loser x20

This past week was an interesting week. First of all, I did really bad as far as the diet plan goes. I didn't keep track of my points at all Thursday through Saturday. And I haven't tracked (written down) my points since last Tuesday, even though I did it in my head the last few days. But I kicked major booty on the treadmill.

Throughout the previous weeks of Weight Watchers I haven't been exercising very much. I was lucky if I got one day in per week, and I think maybe two of those weeks I exercised twice. But this past week, I did FOUR days. I exercised on Wednesday and Thursday and then again Sunday and Monday. (My meetings are on Tuesday nights.) And I have finally noticed that it's starting to get easier. It's not that it's more enjoyable... but that I get more satisfaction out of it. Like I see the improvements I am going through, and that makes me feel better about exercising as a whole. And when I push myself and make it through, I feel so proud of myself. Like... "Hey, I CAN do this."

My whole life, I've been kind of chunky. Except maybe throughout high school 'cause I lost some weight. And I've always had that mindsight that I just CAN'T lose weight. I always thought, oh, I'll never be able to do it. Not really.

And now... I KNOW I CAN. And it's so thrilling. It makes every part of my life different. It makes me feel stronger, both physically AND emotionally. I CAN do things if I put my mind to it. I CAN make things happen in my life. And that is just... absolutely the best feeling in the world. It's not just about losing weight, anymore, it's about MY LIFE. I am a stronger person than I was on February 7th, the day before we started Weight Watchers. And it's amazing.

Today was our meeting, but Mom decided not to go. She feels as though she had a bad week and that she gained weight, so she didn't want to go to the meeting. So I decided that since she wasn't going to go, neither was I. So I made dinner plans with my bestie, but before I went, I decided to weigh myself on our home scale.

We just bought a new scale like a month ago. It's a digital scale. And it's a piece of junk. Every time I get on it, I think, "that's just not right." So I get off, wait for it to restart, and then get back on... and it tells me a totally different number... like TEN SECONDS after it told me another number.

Tonight I hopped on, so I could weigh myself since we weren't going to the meeting, and it told me I was one number. It seemed low, so I checked again. And it gave me the EXACT same number. So I thought, noooo... so I got back on again and it gave me a SECOND number. So I got back off and tried a FOURTH time, and it said the second number again. There was a 1.4 pound difference. And I'm like... dude, the only thing I could have done was inhaled an extra 1.4 pounds of air, because it was literally seconds after the last time. So I went downstairs and got our old scale out of the yard sale pile, and stepped on it. But the numbers are so small that I couldn't tell if I was the first number or the second number.

By this point I was getting ticked off. So I said "Forget it! I'm going to the meeting just to weigh-in." So I called up my bestie, told her I'd be 15 minutes late for dinner, and went to the meeting. And low and behold... I was BETWEEN the two numbers my home scale had given me. Haha.

So this week, I lost 2.8 pounds! And it certainly wasn't because of my eating habits, because I did bad. But I kicked that treadmill's butt and it WORKED.

I have now lost 20.8 pounds!!!!!!

I feel like I could climb Mount Everest! In 63 days, I've lost 20.8 pounds! That means I am losing about 1/3 of a pound EVERY DAY. I know pride is a sin, but I am so full of it right now, it's kind of sickening. I just... never thought I could do it. And I'm proving myself wrong. It's pretty awesome.

Since 20 is such a nice, round number, I decided to take some updated pictures to post. I was trying to find the same shirt as before, but it must be in the laundry. Instead I put on a similar shaped shirt, so it would seem more accurate... or something. HERE are the old pictures (I had lost 7 pounds then), and here are the new pictures:

(click to see it bigger)

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm bragging, though I guess in a way, I am. I just feel so accomplished. It's almost time to go buy some new clothes, because my pants are super baggy. I can't wait to treat myself to a shopping trip! :)

1 comment:

  1. everything about this post makes me happy! You have every right to brag because you're loosing weight and you can totally tell from the photos!
