Sunday, March 6, 2011

A bigger loser?

Tonight I went to my grandparents' house and they have a digital scale. My dad has lost 60 pounds in the last 14 months, so every time we go there, he weighs himself. I decided to hop on tonight, even though I thought maybe I should just wait until Tuesday and the WW meeting. You know, to give myself 2 more days to work on the weight loss... But I got on anyway.

And I was shocked to find that I've lost five more pounds. Granted, I hadn't eaten anything but some grapes and a banana in 8 hours, so maybe it had a little to do with that, because I was completely empty. And maybe my grandparent's scale is different than my home scale or the scale at the Weight Watchers meetings, so I won't know for sure -- or at least feel like it's for sure, until Tuesday, but if their scale is right... I have lost 9 pounds! Since February 9th.

I don't want to base my weight so much on the number I see in front of me on the scale, but moreso on the number of pounds I have lost. So my idea is to use the scale at the Weight Watchers meetings as my regular scale. Because it has to be consistent every time, right? Unlike trying to base my weight on my scale at home, the scale at my grandparents', the scale at the doctor, etc. I am going to base my weight loss on the scale at the meeting. So maybe on Tuesday I won't be down five pounds, and that's okay, but I sure as sheep can't be five pounds off, right? Which means I still lost some! So here's to waiting until Tuesday to see for sure.

I will keep you updated, as I am sure you are all shaking with anticipation. :)

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