Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I am 5% Loser!

Today was another Weight Watchers meeting -- well, actually Mom and I didn't stay for the meeting, because she had a funeral to go to, but we went for the Weigh-In. And I lost FOUR MORE POUNDS!!!!!!!!

This means I have lost a total of 12.2 pounds! :D And when you lose 5% of your weight, you get a bunch of goodies. I got a little, cheap, plastic trophy -- which makes me ridiculously happy considering it's such a small thing. Haha. And I got a blue ribbon because I lost 10+ pounds. Plus, the little pamphlet is all about losing 5% of your weight. I haven't read it yet, because I was so excited I wanted to come home and write a blog entry about it all. So that's next on my agenda, to read that.

Mom also lost weight; she lost 3.2 more pounds. So she is down 12.6, I believe, and I am down 12.2. WE ROCK! I think this is all really a testament to just how awful we ate before, because these pounds are just falling off. Mom has been doing really good at exercising, but me... not so much. I know that eventually I am going to have to kick it up a notch, but I really hate walking on the treadmill. But Mom and I discovered a fun new way to exercise. I've only done it once so far; Mom and I bought "Just Dance" for the Wii, and it is awesome. (I like it better than Dance Central for Kinect, even though the Kinect takes funny pictures of you.) Yesterday I tried it out for the first time and was laughing through my work-out! My favorite song to dance to was "Cotton-Eyed Joe," haha, because you got to do goofy foot-tapping, "cowgirl" dances. And it was definitely a work-out. Some of the other songs weren't as much, but they were still fun. One song I didn't try yet was "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls. :D I can't wait to try that one.

We also tried a cardio dance video from Netflix, which wasn't as fun, but it was definitely entertaining to see Mom and I try to white-girl dance our way through that. We were glad no one could see us! Hahah.

Anyway, I am so very excited about all of this. My only wish is that someone had told me a long time ago that this program would work so well for us, because I would've done it months ago had I known. Oh well. The time is now and we are KICKING BUTT!

1 comment:

  1. that little trophy is adorbs!!

    Also I totally want to play the dance game next time I'm at your place! If you wanna be my luvah, luvah, luvah...
